

Help has moved to the Planio platform. All logins and passwords remained the same. All users will be able to login and use Redmine just as before. Read more...


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Bug #735069: Units of measurement in the technical details are written in latin
localiyation!!!.png 2018-02-22 10:34 PM 89.3 KB 0 MD5: 1519338885 localiyation!!!.png
Bug #735067: Broken image is displayed on each page dedicated to the technical data of the models
broken image.png 2018-02-22 10:13 PM 1.06 MB 0 MD5: 1519337627 broken image.png
Bug #735066: Grammar and punctuation mistakes are displayed on the "Тест-драйв" form
spelling and punctuation errors.png 2018-02-22 10:05 PM 52.6 KB 0 MD5: 1519337135 spelling and punctuation errors.png
Bug #735064: Inconsistent use of the upper- and lowercase for the brand "Mini" on the website
MINI lower upper.png 2018-02-22 10:00 PM 1.79 MB 0 MD5: 1519336803 MINI lower upper.png
Bug #735062: Inconsistent alignment of the titles on the page "Mini 3 Door"
non consistent alignment of the title.png 2018-02-22 09:44 PM 279 KB 0 MD5: 1519335891 non consistent alignment of the title.png
Bug #735060: Inconsistent title of the model and wrong technical data are used on the "Mini Cooper 5 D" page
different title of the mini.png 2018-02-22 09:32 PM 159 KB 0 MD5: 1519335158 different title of the mini.png
Bug #735003: The field "Имя" in the form "Тест-драйв" does not accept cyrillic symbols, lowercase words, one-character words and has no restrictions concerning maximum allowable length
имя заглавная.png 2018-02-22 03:02 PM 78.2 KB 0 MD5: 1519311763 имя заглавная.png
Bug #734983: Fields in the "Test-drive" form are not aligned
alignment of the textfields.png 2018-02-22 02:33 PM 52.1 KB 0 MD5: 1519310005 alignment of the textfields.png